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contig assembly software
DNA sequence assembly

Upgrading from DNA Baser v2 to DNA Baser v3








Easy upgrade


Upgrading from DNA Baser v2 to DNA Baser v3 is very easy. Just follow any of the three upgrade procedures in this page. The recommended procedure is procedure number II because it allows you to install the new version of DNA Baser next to your old one, and use them simultaneously.



Keeping existing settings


If you want to keep your primer/vector database or the settings:

  1. Close any instance of DNA Baser (if it is running)
  2. Locate DNA Baser v2 setting files
  3. Copy them to DNA Baser v3 settings folder


License upgrade


We offer an upgrade path for users that purchased DNA Baser v2.






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sequence assembling
dna assembly software
  Copyright © Heracle BioSoft SRL 2020